
50 years of

bringing our




Since 1973, Union Station has helped our most vulnerable community members rebuild their lives and end homelessness. The vision expressed by the community volunteers who founded our agency still rings true today: everyone deserves a life of dignity and a place to call home.

During our 50th Anniversary Year, we are celebrating those who have helped us house thousands of our neighbors. This is an opportunity to look forward to a time when everyone has a safe and healthy home of their own. Guided by the insights of those with lived experience and the principles of social justice and racial equity, we are working towards creating a society that values all people.

In the upcoming year, we are planning several events – including Masters of Taste and Dinner in the Park – to celebrate our past and current clients, donors, volunteers and staff. We hope you can be a part of our year-long celebration.

our history
  client stories
volunteer stories
staff stories
donor stories